English Japanese
Katsuyuki (Katsu) SUZUKI
Professor, The University of Tokyo
Dept. of Systems Innovation
School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
(Hongo Campus)
Engineering Building 3 Room 333
(Map is here(in Japanese) English map is here Building #75)
7-3-1 Hongo Bunkyo-ku Tokyo JAPAN 113-8656
Tel +81-3-5841-6522
Personal History
- 1963 Born in Tochigi-ken, Japan (August 27)
- 1982 Graduated Utsunomiya Prefectural High School
- 1986 Graduated Dept of Aeronautics, University of Tokyo
- 1986 Graduate School, Dept of Aeronautics, University of Tokyo
- 1987 Graduate School, Dept of Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan
- 1988 Master of Science and Engineering, University of Michigan
- 1991 PhD on Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan
- 1991 Research Associate, Dept of NAOE, University of Tokyo
- 1992 Lecturer, Dept of NAOE, University of Tokyo
- 1994 Associate Professor., Dept of NAOE, University of Tokyo
- 1999 Associate Professor., Dept of Environmental Studies, University of Tokyo
- 2009 Professor, Dept. of Systems Innovation, The University of Tokyo
- 2010 Professor, Research into Artifacts, Center for Engineering (RACE), The University
of Tokyo
- 2019 Professor, Dept. of Systems Innovation, The University of Tokyo
Research Interests
- Structural Mechanics
- Ship Collision and Grounding of Ship
- Ship Dynamiscs in Freak Wave
- Strength of Lashing of Container Ship
- Load and Strength of Ice Sea Ships
- Computational Mechanics
- Voxel Analysis and Finite Cover Method
- Multiscale Analysis
- Structural Optimization
- Shape and Topology Optimization