
Laboratory photos

Event photos

Research movies
and photos

A high-speed camera measurement of a burst test of a high-pressure gas pipeline

Detailed information of this research can be found in Shibanuma et al., Crack tip opening angle during unstable ductile crack propagation of a high-pressure gas pipeline, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 204 (2018), 434-453.

An underwater burst test of a high-pressure gas pipeline

Detailed information of this research can be found in Hosoe et al., Underwater burst tests for evaluating unstable ductile crack arrestability in offshore pipelines, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 195 (2018), 142-161.

A microscale test simulating tear-ridge formation in cleavage crack propagation in steels

Detailed information of this research can be found in Yanagimoto et al., Contribution of grain size to resistance against cleavage crack propagation in ferritic steel, Acta Materialia 177 (2019), 96-106.