よくある質問 / Frequently Asked Questions

今後全員オンラインになる可能性があるか / Possibility of all-online-exam


Unless very serious situation occurs, we will conduct on-site/online hybrid exam. However, please note that if, for example, an examinee becomes a close contact person with a COVID-19 positive person, that examinee will be required to take the online exam.

筆記免除について / Written exam exemption


We do not have written exam exemption this year. All applicants are asked to take the written exam. (Except doctoral program applicant who meets the requirements of written exam exemption written in the "Guide to Entrance Examinations". We have already notified to those applicants by an email. )

口述試験スケジュールの希望について / Schedule for oral exam


We will post the schedule for oral exam before Aug. 20. If you want to change the exam time, please contact us after Aug 20th. (We do not guarantee that we are able to follow your request.)

問題形式について / Examination problems



We have morning session and afternoon session. In each session, three problems (one from each subject area) will be given to examinees. Each examinee have to chose one from above three problems, and solve it.

An examinee may choose questions from the same or different fields for the morning and afternoon sessions. You may choose problems from the same field or in different fields for morning and afternoon sessions. The fields of problems can be different from your desired research field.

Please read the department website for more information.

解答用紙と草稿用紙について / Answer sheets and draft paper


You may use either the Japanese or English version of the answer sheets and draft papers. The language you answer in does not have to match the language of the pdf (i.e., you can answer in English on an Japanese answer sheets). It is also acceptable to use different language answer sheetsin the morning and afternoon.

解答用紙の郵送について(オンライン筆記試験) / Posting answer sheets from abroad (For online written exam)

Q1. 海外から解答用紙を送るのに時間がかかります。スキャンしてemailでの送付ではダメですか?

A1. 郵送してください。また、スキャンして送付もしていただきます。詳細はオンラインチェックで説明します。

Q2. 海外にいるので郵送に時間がかかりますが,問題ありませんか。

A2. 問題ありません。ただし試験終了後すぐに発送してください。

Q1: It takes a long time to send the answer sheet from overseas. Can I just scan it and send it by email?

A1. Please send it by postal mail. You will also be required to scan it and send it. Detailed process will be explained at the online check.

Q2: I'm afraid that it takes long to send from overseas by postal mail.

A2: We take into account the time of postal mail. Please send it immediately after the examination.