Notes for Exams

After reading all the information on this page, please use this form to record your admission number.

0. What to bring on the day (on-site exam)

  • Writing materials (black pencil or black mechanical pencil, eraser, pencil sharpener (not tabletop type))

  • Mask (No characters, including a spare)

  • Watch (with timekeeping function only. Smartphones cannot be used as a watch.)

  • The following documents (sent to you by the Graduate School of Engineering. Please fill in the necessary sections and bring them with you.)

    • 受験票(Examination voucher)

    • 入構票(Sheet for entering the university)

    • 誓約書(Pledge Form)

    • 健康チェック表(Health Care Checklist, should be presented when requested.)

  • Lunch if you need

    • The each examinee desk is partitioned, and you may take lunch in the examination room. However, if you can take lunch in your laboratory, etc., please consider eating lunch in a less densely populated area.

    • As is the case with ordinary restaurants, those with fever or symptoms of suspected coronavirus infection are not allowed to use the on-campus restaurants/cafeteria. Please prepare your lunch with your responsibilities. For example, you can bring lunch from home and take lunch at the examination room.

* For preparation of online exam, please read this page.

1.Response to fraudulent activities

1) If any false statement or forgery is found in the application documents, or if there is clear evidence of cheating in the examination, the acceptance or admission may be retroactively cancelled even after acceptance or admission.

2) In the case of malicious and serious misconduct, there is a possibility of submitting a damage report for obstruction of business (Article 233 of the Penal Code).

3) Examples of what is considered as cheating are shown in Item 3.

2.Notifications during and after the exam

on-site exams

  • Follow the instructions of the examiner.

  • The following items may be placed on the desk.

    • Examination voucher, black pencil or black mechanical pencil, eraser, pencil sharpener (tabletop type is not acceptable), clock (with timekeeping function only), mask (plain, including spares).

  • Cell phones and other electronic devices should be turned off after disabling the alarm setting, placed in a bag or other container, and not worn. The use of cell phones, etc. as watches is not allowed.

  • Wear a mask properly during the test.

    • Reference: (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, "How to Wear a Mask Properly")

  • You are not allowed to leave the room during the examination, even if you have finished answering the questions or if you wish to abandon the examination.

  • If a candidate is late due to his/her own fault, he/she will not be allowed to enter the room during the answering time.

  • The answer sheet and question booklet must not be taken home.

  • Do not leave the room until instructed to do so by the supervisor.

Online exams

  • Follow the instructions of the supervisor. In this online examination, the examinee's PC will be monitored and recorded to prevent any irregularities.

  • You must be in the state described in this page.

  • You will not be allowed to leave the room during the examination time, even if you have finished answering the questions or if you abandon the examination.

  • Do not leave the room until instructed to do so by the supervisor.

3.Examples of actions that may be considered fraudulent

  1. Doing any of the following immediately constitutes cheating without warning

    • Intentionally making false entries on the examination voucher or answer sheet (e.g., putting a photo of someone other than the applicant on the examination voucher, or writing an examination number other than the applicant's on the answer sheet).

    • Opening the question booklet before the answer time in a face-to-face test. Attempting to break the password of the question PDF file before the answer time in an online exam.

    • Cheating (e.g., using cheat sheets, reference books, computers, or smart phones to look up answers).

    • Teaching answers to other test takers or helping them to cheat.

    • Start answering before the instruction of "Start answering".

    • Continue answering after the instruction of "Stop answering", and do not put down your writing utensils.

    • In an online exam, sharing the content of the problems with others, such as by sending question files.

    • Taking answer sheets or draft sheets out of the room without placing them in an envelope in an online exam.

  2. In addition to 1), doing any of the following may be considered cheating.

  • Disturb the exam by intentionally making cell phone, smart phone, clock, or other sounds (incoming calls, alarms, tremors, etc.) during exam time.

  • Writing anything on desks, etc.

  • Making false claims about the examination in order to gain an advantage for yourself or other examinees.

  • Causing trouble for other examinees during the examination.

  • Failing to follow the instructions of the proctor or other examiners during the examination.

  • Sharing details of the test contents and methods with others after the test.

  • Engaging in any other activities that may compromise the fairness of the examination.